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Causes of Moldy and Yellowing Sink Edges and Proper Cleaning Methods

Why do sink edges get moldy and yellow?

01 High ambient humidity around the sink:
moisture often remains or collects around the sink, which can lead to bacterial growth and mold growth. Especially in a humid environment, mold is more likely to multiply.
02 Untimely cleaning:
If we don't clean the edges of the sink regularly, food residues, grease and dirt will accumulate on the sink, providing ideal conditions for mold to thrive.
03 Poor Ventilation:
Poor air circulation around the sink results in moisture not being able to be discharged in a timely manner, which accelerates the growth of mold. Poor ventilation can also leave the sink edge in a damp state for long periods of time.

How should I keep the sink edge properly cleaned?

Sinks and sink edges should be cleaned promptly after use and deep cleaned regularly. Regular cleaning will minimize the accumulation of dirt and keep it clean.
Sink edges can be cleaned better with the right cleaner. Different types of sink edges require the use of different cleaners, and it is recommended to choose a special cleaner based on the material to avoid damage to the sink.
03 Use a sponge or soft cloth:
Using a sponge or soft cloth to clean the sink rim can remove dirt more effectively without causing damage to the sink. Avoid using hard brushes or metal utensils to clean the edge of the sink to avoid scratches or damage.
Sink edges sometimes have hard to reach dead ends or crevices that should be cleaned with a small cleaning tool, such as a snap knife or toothbrush.
After cleaning the sink edge, you should dry the sink and sink edge with a clean rag or paper towel to keep it dry. Avoid leaving wet items for long periods of time as this can accelerate bacterial growth and mold reproduction.
In conclusion, proper cleaning of sink edges needs to be done on a regular basis, using the proper cleaners, using soft sponges or cloths, cleaning hard-to-reach areas, and keeping them dry. By doing so, you can keep your sink rim hygienic and beautiful and extend the life of your sink.
 Happy sink shopping!

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