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What happens to a poorly designed kitchen sink?

Condition 1: Easy back pain
If it is not required for professional use, the sink should not be too deep, and the depth of the general sink is between 18-20cm. For more comfort, the table height can be adjusted according to the height of the user (height /2+15cm). Too deep sink, will let the neck and waist in a long-term state of abuse.

Condition 2: There is a water festival in the kitchen
Space to allow the sink is the bigger the better, you can steadily catch the water, not only daily dishwashing is good, even if you want to wash the pot do not have to worry.
In addition, the position of the sink is more suitable on the same side of the stove, so as to avoid dripping water in the corridor when the dishes are washed and taken to the silver.

Condition 3: The faucet affects the cleaning line
Confirm the size of the sink, but also to find a suitable faucet, the water height of the faucet should also pay attention to, too high easy to splash too low will block the activity space, cleaning items with the tap collision is very annoying. If there is water purification equipment, there is also a drinking tap, you can choose three taps Q, do not occupy space vision is also refreshing.

Condition 4: Dirty bacteria thrive
The common upper embedded sink, the edge and the countertop are filled with sealant, which is easy to mold over time, and can be picked down the embedded or seamless splicing, although the price is slightly more expensive due to the difficulty of construction, but it is easier to clean in the future.
The other most common place is the lifting cage, the selection of shallow cup type lifting cage design, there will be no dead corners or docking garbage disposal, cleaning more effort.

Kitchen sink with a long time inevitably have traces, good use habits is the key to maintain the appearance.

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